Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadToday, Guardians of the Galaxy’s comic books and novels are the topic! Ben and Daniel have had some fun reading Guardians materials and in this episode they chat about it, using the conversation about the comics to talk about the characters! NEWS The Coulson/Avengers poll Ben typed in as […]
Guardians of the Galaxy: Prelude #2 (MCU Comic Files)
[easyazon_image add_to_cart=”default” align=”right” asin=”B00KCZLL2Y” cloaking=”default” height=”500″ localization=”default” locale=”US” nofollow=”default” new_window=”default” src=”http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51KF%2BE8ZizL.jpg” tag=”wtl7-20″ width=”329″]Preamble Some MCU tie-in comics have disappointed me. And honestly, rarely would any MCU comics interest me outside of my interest in the MCU. These stories just wouldn’t have a place in my collection. But Guardians of the Galaxy: Prelude #1 surprised me. […]
Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude #1 (MCU Comic Files)
Preamble I’ve complained in the past about how the Marvel Cinematic Universe tie-in comics sometimes just don’t deliver much. They feel like placeholders, not able to really expand the universe and so the tactic is often to just explore from a different angle. Truth is, I feel this way so much that I haven’t even […]
Preamble As I said in my first review of the Marvel Cinematic Universe (about THOR: THE DARK WORLD Prelude), The Marvel Cinematic Universe is fairly self-contained. The movies are all you really need. But often, fans want more. Be careful what you wish for, because just because they give it to you doesn’t mean you’ll […]
Preamble The Marvel Cinematic Universe is fairly self-contained. All you really need to enjoy it is what you see on the screen. But, as with everything that fans enjoy, we tend to want more. More backstory. More adventures with the characters we love. Just plain more. That’s what THOR: THE DARK WORLD PRELUDE gives us. […]