Preamble Earlier I gave Jonathan Hickman’s a three-issue ride, before I stopped reading. My main complaint was there was enough going on between issues in other connected titles that I was not reading that the story often did not make full sense. But I did provide it a second chance recently in the collected, Infinity. […]
Infinity #2 (Comic Files)
Preamble I have been waiting for Infinity #2, mostly so I could figure out who the villain is. The good news is that I now know. Both Thanos and the Builders are the big bad! Yet separated by millions and millions of miles I wonder how this story is going to come together. Situation […]
Infinity #1 (Comic Files)
Preamble Infinity is here and like the last Marvel event Age of Ultron making its claim on a future MCU movie! Okay that may just be sarcasm creeping in. Infinity is a big story bringing together Earth bound and cosmic elements of the Marvel Universe. And with the inclusion of Thanos and the Builders combines […]