Preamble It is eight months in the future. And the world has changed drastically in Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers: Time Runs Out Volume One. Our world has been at risk as the global incursions of other Earth’s in the multiverse collide with ours. And the steps taken to save the Marvel 616 Earth has created a […]
All-New Invaders: Original Sin (Comic Files)
Preamble All-New Invaders: Original Sin reveals to us a horrible secret linked to one of the most prominent events of World War II. And we are challenged to answer could the Invaders have stopped it from happening in their fictional world? But most of all I ask is this another issue with a disposal secret […]
Captain America: The Tomorrow Soldier (Comic Files)
Preamble When I reviewed Captain America #25 I had to admit I was a little lost since between defeating Iron Nail and naming a new Captain America some stuff happened. This included a new Zola attack and the return of Sharon Rogers. Now with Captain America: The Tomorrow Soldier by Rick Remender my questions are […]
Avengers: Infinite Avengers (Comic Files)
Preamble Jonathan Hickman has been working on a massive story that could be the end of the Marvel 616 Universe. In Hickman’s Avengers: Infinite Avengers the story begins to gain momentum as some beyond the Illuminati realize that the Earth incursions are occurring. And in true Civil War style heroes will choose sides! Situation […]
Captain America #25 (Comic Files)
Preamble The cover yells, “Who is the NEW Captain America?” But the sad thing is if you picked up Captain America #25 you probably already know. Marvel has already spoiled the most important plot point through press releases and news stories. So I feel a little more free with spoilers in this comics file. […]
Original Sin #8 (Comic Files)
Preamble New comic day was a busy night. But there was a comic burning in my bag (actually two of them) and I knew I would not be able to sleep until I finished Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato’s Original Sin #8. I needed to know so much. Would Nick Fury live? Who killed the […]
Original Sin #7 (Comic Files)
Preamble In the last issue of Original Sin, Nick Fury suited up for what could have been the last time. Fury is under attack from every corner as villains and Avengers look to make Fury pay. And Jason Aaron gives us a big clue to who might have killed The Watcher! Situation Report Nick […]
Original Sin #6 (Comic Files)
Preamble What’s in the box, what’s in the box? Actually I should yell in a sharp-pitched voice (as noted on the cover) who pulled the trigger, who pulled the trigger? Yes, Nick Fury spilled a lot about the history of S.H.I.E.L.D. and the Unseen. But is Fury going to tell us, if he even knows, […]
Avengers Forever (Comic Files)
Preamble If I have learned anything thanks to Astrocity, it’s that I love me some Kurt Busiek! So despite the fact that I have never been huge into Marvel 616 Avengers, I still prefer the X-Men, when I saw Busiek wrote an Avengers event it was a must read for me. Busiek is enough for […]
Original Sin #5 (Comic Files)
Preamble “You want the truth, you gotta go back. Back to 1958. And of all places…Kansas.” Yes Jason Aaron, you had me with the opening line of Original Sin #5. Please take me on a crazy fun trip! Situation Report In 1958 while working for Army Intelligence, Colonel Nick Fury helped stop the invasion […]