Preamble It is eight months in the future. And the world has changed drastically in Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers: Time Runs Out Volume One. Our world has been at risk as the global incursions of other Earth’s in the multiverse collide with ours. And the steps taken to save the Marvel 616 Earth has created a […]
Deathlok: The Souls of Cyber-Folk (Comic Files)
Preamble Former Roxxon employee Michael Collins has problems. His former employers have stuck his mind, though not his brain, into Deathlok. Michael wonders if he can hold to his moral compass and humanity inside of a cyborg killing machine! Situation Report Michael Collins trapped in the Deathlok body navigates his new normal while trying […]
Jessica Jones: The Pulse The Complete Collection (Comic Files)
Preamble I have Jessica Jones issues, hang-ups not actual comic books. It seems like every time I read her in a story she is yelling the same refrain, “What about the baby!” Now I do agree as a parent that Mr. Cage should be sharing in this mission statement and getting a little more serious […]
Ultimate FF: Strangest Ever (Comic Files)
Preamble There I was reading Ultimate FF: Strangest Ever expecting a fast and entertaining read. Then on page two…Coulson in a new role! Would I like what is happening with Ultimate Coulson? Would I find this read as entertaining as I hoped? These questions and more are answered in the Comic Files! Situation Report […]
All-New Invaders: Original Sin (Comic Files)
Preamble All-New Invaders: Original Sin reveals to us a horrible secret linked to one of the most prominent events of World War II. And we are challenged to answer could the Invaders have stopped it from happening in their fictional world? But most of all I ask is this another issue with a disposal secret […]
Deathlok The Demolisher: The Complete Collection (Comic Files)
Preamble If any Marvel character got increased visibility from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season One, it has to be Deathlok. Mike Peterson and his quest to become a hero and instead being transformed into something more closely aligned with the Frankenstein monster was a compelling story for those not familiar with this Marvel cyborg. But do […]
Daredevil by Frank Miller & Klaus Janson Vol. 1 (Comic Files)
Preamble The transmissions were shooting back and forth between the Butcher and Avery hubs. Agent Daniel was attempting to cram on Daredevil with the Netlix series on the way. Daredevil has never really been a hero that Agent Daniel has briefed himself deeply on and he looked to change that. At one point as he […]
Avengers: Infinite Avengers (Comic Files)
Preamble Jonathan Hickman has been working on a massive story that could be the end of the Marvel 616 Universe. In Hickman’s Avengers: Infinite Avengers the story begins to gain momentum as some beyond the Illuminati realize that the Earth incursions are occurring. And in true Civil War style heroes will choose sides! Situation […]
Infinity (Comic Files)
Preamble Earlier I gave Jonathan Hickman’s a three-issue ride, before I stopped reading. My main complaint was there was enough going on between issues in other connected titles that I was not reading that the story often did not make full sense. But I did provide it a second chance recently in the collected, Infinity. […]
Secret War (Comic Files)
Preamble No, it’s not Secret Wars! And it is not even Secret Wars 2! Secret War is a Nick Fury driven story that could be ripped from today’s headlines, if it was not for the super villains and heroes that decorate this story. But with an introduction written by an unnamed member of the intelligence […]