Preamble As Secret Avengers #2. “Secret Histories: Part Two” begins I find myself asking…who is that man in the eye patch? Will Ed Brubaker confirm who it might be? Or will I be left howling in a Fury about who this villain might be? Situation Report Someone has hacked the Secret Avengers roving headquarters […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 1 #1 (Comic Files)
Preamble I’ve read all of Secret Avengers volumes two and three. But I never read what I have called the Captain America Secret Avengers. So now with my second favorite S.H.I.E.L.D. title cancelled, it is time for me to dip into the past and catch the original version of this team written by Ed Brubaker […]
Original Sin #2 (Comic Files)
Preamble Nick Fury continues his chase for the Watcher’s murderer, which started in Original Sin #1. And the clues are going to take him to some strange places. And as the cover screams we all wonder, who holds the eye? Situation Report Ant-Man, Black Panther and Emma Frost explore a monster graveyard in the […]