Preamble I’ve read all of Secret Avengers volumes two and three. But I never read what I have called the Captain America Secret Avengers. So now with my second favorite S.H.I.E.L.D. title cancelled, it is time for me to dip into the past and catch the original version of this team written by Ed Brubaker […]
All-New Captain America #1 (Comic Files)
Preamble Rick Remender and Stuart Immonem bring us a new era of Captain America’s history in All-New Captain America #1. Due to his extreme age, Steve Rogers has been forced to give up the shield and now a new inspiring Captain America defends freedom. It is truly an Avengers NOW! world as Sam Wilson pulls […]
Captain America: Loose Nuke
Preamble Rick Remender’s run with Captain America has really paid off for me in the Marvel NOW!. So I was really anticipating Captain America: Loose Nuke with my biggest question being would Cap be impacted by his time in Dimension Z? I really want to know. And Remender does not wait long for us to […]
Secret Warriors: Last Ride of the Howling Commandos (Comic Files)
Preamble Secret Warriors: Wake the Beast left us with three massive questions. So when Secret Warriors: Last Ride of the Howling Commandos opens with H.A.M.M.E.R. attacking Asgard you can color me confused! What happened to our Hydra, Leviathan, Secret Warriors war friends? What is happening? At least the name Howling Commandos is floating around. That […]
Captain America: Winter Soldier (Comic Files)
Preamble Ed Brubaker’s Captain America: Winter Soldier hit my reading wish list for one simple reason, I love the trailer for the spring 2014 movie of the same name. I am excited about this Marvel Cinematic Universe feature and really wanted to dig into one of the story sources of this hopefully epic movie. Situation Report […]