Preamble If I have learned anything thanks to Astrocity, it’s that I love me some Kurt Busiek! So despite the fact that I have never been huge into Marvel 616 Avengers, I still prefer the X-Men, when I saw Busiek wrote an Avengers event it was a must read for me. Busiek is enough for […]
Age of Ultron (Comic Files)
Preamble In 2015 we get The Avengers: Age of Ultron. This announcement came out right after the conclusion of the Age of Ultron mini-series written by Brian Michael Bendis. Now clearly this future movie cannot translate the story frame for frame as it is incorporated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is possible that the […]
Avengers Assemble: Science Bros (Comic Files)
Preamble Avengers Assemble: Science Bros collects issues 9 through 13 and Annual #1 of this series as it moves into Marvel NOW! With stories written by Kelly Sue DeConnick and illustrated by Christos Gage and Stefano Caselli, the volume provides a diverse set of three Avengers tales that vary from large scale adventure to […]
The Official Marvel No-Prize Book: Marvel’s Mightiest Most Massive Mistakes (Comic Files)
Preamble When you print as many titles as Marvel Comics does and for as many years as they have, well there are going to be mistakes. And it is a reader pointing out a mistake to Marvel editor and writer Stan Lee that led him to send the first no-prize. That first no-prize was a […]