Preamble I have Jessica Jones issues, hang-ups not actual comic books. It seems like every time I read her in a story she is yelling the same refrain, “What about the baby!” Now I do agree as a parent that Mr. Cage should be sharing in this mission statement and getting a little more serious […]
Captain America: The Tomorrow Soldier (Comic Files)
Preamble When I reviewed Captain America #25 I had to admit I was a little lost since between defeating Iron Nail and naming a new Captain America some stuff happened. This included a new Zola attack and the return of Sharon Rogers. Now with Captain America: The Tomorrow Soldier by Rick Remender my questions are […]
Captain America #25 (Comic Files)
Preamble The cover yells, “Who is the NEW Captain America?” But the sad thing is if you picked up Captain America #25 you probably already know. Marvel has already spoiled the most important plot point through press releases and news stories. So I feel a little more free with spoilers in this comics file. […]
Avengers: Adapt or Die (Comic Files)
Preamble Infinity is over, so Jonathan Hickman and Salvador Larroca can let the Avengers just sit back and relax right? Nope, there are still potential global killing problems to face. And Steve Rogers and Tony Stark are reviewing if the team has the right mix. It is kind of like Avenger draft day. Oh, and […]
All-New Invaders: Gods and Soldiers (Comic Files)
Preamble I have spent a lot of time studying World War II. But I have never read any of Marvel’s premier World War II superhero squad, the Invaders. The team of Captain America, The Original Human Torch, Namor and Bucky sounds cool to me but that has never lead to action by picking up one of their stories. […]
Avengers Forever (Comic Files)
Preamble If I have learned anything thanks to Astrocity, it’s that I love me some Kurt Busiek! So despite the fact that I have never been huge into Marvel 616 Avengers, I still prefer the X-Men, when I saw Busiek wrote an Avengers event it was a must read for me. Busiek is enough for […]
Avengers Assemble: Science Bros (Comic Files)
Preamble Avengers Assemble: Science Bros collects issues 9 through 13 and Annual #1 of this series as it moves into Marvel NOW! With stories written by Kelly Sue DeConnick and illustrated by Christos Gage and Stefano Caselli, the volume provides a diverse set of three Avengers tales that vary from large scale adventure to […]
The Official Marvel No-Prize Book: Marvel’s Mightiest Most Massive Mistakes (Comic Files)
Preamble When you print as many titles as Marvel Comics does and for as many years as they have, well there are going to be mistakes. And it is a reader pointing out a mistake to Marvel editor and writer Stan Lee that led him to send the first no-prize. That first no-prize was a […]
Uncanny Avengers: The Red Shadow (Comic Files)
Preamble I have never actually been a big fan of Avengers comics. I have always identified myself as a X-Men fan. So a title that combines my favorite print hero team with my favorite big screen movie franchise is something I wanted to sample. Therefore picking up a copy of Uncanny Avengers: The Red Shadow […]
Marvel Masterworks Presents the Avengers (Comic Files)
Preamble How does one prepare for the best television program of Fall 2013, well you start at the beginning of course. To do this I picked up a copy of Marvel Masterworks Presents The Avengers. There is no S.H.I.E.L.D., no agents, and younger or older Nick Fury. But it does show us a first glimpse […]