Preamble Man, it has been nothing but tense lately. We found out some shocking secrets about Nick Fury in Original Sin. And I cannot even discuss the distrubing turns on Tuesday nights that we were hit with (because it is possible that some agents do not know yet about that thing with that person). So […]
Avengers Forever (Comic Files)
Preamble If I have learned anything thanks to Astrocity, it’s that I love me some Kurt Busiek! So despite the fact that I have never been huge into Marvel 616 Avengers, I still prefer the X-Men, when I saw Busiek wrote an Avengers event it was a must read for me. Busiek is enough for […]
Avengers 1959 (Comic Files)
Preamble With a vintage look and feel I was pretty excited to try out Howard Chaykin’s Avengers 1959. I wondered if this story would help capture some of the potential feel of Agent Carter. And with Nick Fury working with villains as heroes my interest was peaked. But would it stay there? Situation Report During World […]
Secret War (Comic Files)
Preamble No, it’s not Secret Wars! And it is not even Secret Wars 2! Secret War is a Nick Fury driven story that could be ripped from today’s headlines, if it was not for the super villains and heroes that decorate this story. But with an introduction written by an unnamed member of the intelligence […]
Iron Man: The Secret Origin of Tony Stark Book Two (Comic Files)
Preamble There I was sitting around the Hub describing “The Secret Origin of Tony Stark” to my fellow agents. One of them looked over at me and said, “Clown Shoes!” I get it. It is a story that has evil robots, a Las Vegas heist, an robot bounty hunter with an attitude, a giant giant really […]
Agents of Atlas (Comic Files)
Preamble For fun, I like to relax with a nice issue of the distinguished competition’s Aquaman. But after two years there is something potentially upsetting with that title, Geoff Johns is leaving. But when I noticed that Jeff Parker the new monthly author had written for Marvel and had written a S.H.I.E.L.D. related book, Agents of […]