Preamble I have never actually been a big fan of Avengers comics. I have always identified myself as a X-Men fan. So a title that combines my favorite print hero team with my favorite big screen movie franchise is something I wanted to sample. Therefore picking up a copy of Uncanny Avengers: The Red Shadow […]
Secret Avengers #7 (Comic Files)
Preamble At the end of issue #6 faithful readers were promised answers in the saga of Secret Avengers. I was concerned that it may all be lies! Other than Coulson, okay and Barton, most S.H.I.E.L.D. agents seem truth allergic. Would Secret Avengers #7 just bring more deception? Situation Report Secret Avengers #7 takes place […]
Indestructible Hulk: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. (Comic Files)
Preamble I typically do not read Hulk comics. Honestly, I do not think I have read a Hulk title since high school. But you throw S.H.I.E.L.D. into the title and you can get me to read Indestructible Hulk: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.. Situation Report Bruce Banner has had it with his lifestyle. He has come […]
Secret Avengers #6 (Comic Files)
Preamble Wait, something is up! Daisy Johnson is still being confirmed as S.H.I.E.L.D. Director! Nick Fury has not yet attempted his assassination on A.I.M. Island. And the Iron Patriot drone army is still causing trouble! That is right friends, issue Secret Avengers # 6 takes up back in time, back before S.H.I.E.L.D. caused an international […]
Deadpool: Dead Presidents (Comic Files)
Preamble “You’re a vapid, unfunny, pale shade of a hero. You’re unintelligent, uncreative, and unremarkable in every way. You don’t seem to do anything well expect heal yourself and appear EVERYWHERE! I don’t understand your APPEAL!” – President Abraham Lincoln to Deadpool. Agent Ben agrees with the 16th President. Agent Daniel holds the opposite opinion, […]
Secret Avengers #5 (Comic Files)
Preamble As Secret Avengers #4 ended we were left with the question, what will happen on A.I.M. Island? Issue #5 claims to give us the answer. But in the end like so much of this series, it could all be a lie. Situation Report Director Johnson has sent Fury, Hawkeye and Black Widow to […]
Secret Avengers #4 (Comic Files)
Preamble The Secret Avengers continue their struggle against A.I.M., who has turned up this conflict by taking control of the Iron Patriot drones. S.H.I.E.L.D. struggles with how to best answer this threat which could embroil the world into a global war. Can Agent Coulson deliver to S.H.I.E.L.D. the one man who can take control of […]
Secret Avengers #3 (Comic Files)
Preamble Secret Avengers has moved into its first real story arc. In Secret Avengers #3 the conflict between A.I.M. and S.H.I.E.L.D. moves forward as Fury and his team attempt to understand A.I.M.’s goals. With bullets flying in every direction, there are casualties! Situation Report Like Secret Avengers #2 , this issue follows two separate […]
Avengers Assemble (Comic Files)
Preamble One problem with the Iron Man movie was that people loved the movie and when they wanted more of that and turned to the comics, the character was not exactly the same. This can mean some quick course corrections by the publisher to catch up to the movies. Remember after X-Men came out, all […]
Battle Scars (Comic Files)
Preamble Some moments get a lot of hype. In 2012, Peter Parker “died” within the main Marvel universe. In early 2013 Damian Wayne the current Robin in the DC universe was killed. I apologize if I spoiled something for you, but both of these story arcs led to major news coverage in the mainstream […]