Preamble Yes, I finally have all the issues of Marvel Team-Up capturing the entire Spider-Man/Black Widow/S.H.I.E.L.D. saga. Now I can finally learn the truth about Nancy Rushman. Finally I can find out if S.H.I.E.L.D. has been infiltrated again, they call that Tuesday! It is time agents; let us jump into Marvel Team-Up #84. Situation […]
Captain America: The Tomorrow Soldier (Comic Files)
Preamble When I reviewed Captain America #25 I had to admit I was a little lost since between defeating Iron Nail and naming a new Captain America some stuff happened. This included a new Zola attack and the return of Sharon Rogers. Now with Captain America: The Tomorrow Soldier by Rick Remender my questions are […]
Deathlok The Demolisher: The Complete Collection (Comic Files)
Preamble If any Marvel character got increased visibility from Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Season One, it has to be Deathlok. Mike Peterson and his quest to become a hero and instead being transformed into something more closely aligned with the Frankenstein monster was a compelling story for those not familiar with this Marvel cyborg. But do […]