Preamble Last weekend, someone posted an image to my Facebook page with the text “this has Ben Avery written all over it” accompanying it. The image is the artwork in this post. I had no idea what it was, but it looked like an animated movie featuring Hulk (obviously), Dr. Strange, and, wait…is that MAN-THING??? It […]
All-New Invaders: Original Sin (Comic Files)
Preamble All-New Invaders: Original Sin reveals to us a horrible secret linked to one of the most prominent events of World War II. And we are challenged to answer could the Invaders have stopped it from happening in their fictional world? But most of all I ask is this another issue with a disposal secret […]
Original Sin #8 (Comic Files)
Preamble New comic day was a busy night. But there was a comic burning in my bag (actually two of them) and I knew I would not be able to sleep until I finished Jason Aaron and Mike Deodato’s Original Sin #8. I needed to know so much. Would Nick Fury live? Who killed the […]
Original Sin #1 (Comic Files)
Preamble Another crossover event! Hey why don’t I still this one out until the trade, I’m sure there is nothing to see here! Wait, Nick Fury Sr, Nick Fury Sr. is in the house. I’m in! Where’s my copy of Original Sin #1 by Jason Aaron and art by Mike Deodato? Situation Report Uatu […]