Preamble The X-Men are broken! They have been broken into two team; with the clean cut Cyclops leading the wanted terrorist mutant group and ironically the rough and tough Wolverine leading the socially acceptable Mutants. And Cyclops, Magik, Magneto, and Emma Frost find their powers broken and uncontrollable. Can training a new generation of heroes […]
Age of Ultron (Comic Files)
Preamble In 2015 we get The Avengers: Age of Ultron. This announcement came out right after the conclusion of the Age of Ultron mini-series written by Brian Michael Bendis. Now clearly this future movie cannot translate the story frame for frame as it is incorporated into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It is possible that the […]
Infinity #1 (Comic Files)
Preamble Infinity is here and like the last Marvel event Age of Ultron making its claim on a future MCU movie! Okay that may just be sarcasm creeping in. Infinity is a big story bringing together Earth bound and cosmic elements of the Marvel Universe. And with the inclusion of Thanos and the Builders combines […]
Strange Tales #135 (Comic Files)
Preamble How did Army officer Nick Fury become a member of S.H.I.E.L.D.? What did early S.H.I.E.L.D. look like? When did they get flying cars? These questions can all be answered in reading Strange Tales #135 from August 10, 1965. Situation Report As the story , “The Man for the Job”, opens Colonel Nick Fury […]