Preamble It is time for us to dispense with “the love” after the last issue of Secret Avengers and time for us to get dirty as we follow the conspiracy to bring Tlön to Earth. But maybe if not full on romance maybe at least we can find bromance in this issue. Situation Report […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #8 (Comic Files)
Preamble Secret Avengers has been doing what it does best, building complicated conspiracies! In Secret Avengers #8 “Tried to Run/Tried to Hide” Ales Kot and Michael Walsh begin to turn back the curtain to show us how things have unraveled to this point. And we might just be surprised what we find, cue the romance […]
Avengers: Adapt or Die (Comic Files)
Preamble Infinity is over, so Jonathan Hickman and Salvador Larroca can let the Avengers just sit back and relax right? Nope, there are still potential global killing problems to face. And Steve Rogers and Tony Stark are reviewing if the team has the right mix. It is kind of like Avenger draft day. Oh, and […]
Black Widow: The Finely Woven Thread (Comic Files)
Preamble Awhile back Agent Ben reviewed Black Widow #1. He ended his read of the series there. I found myself wondering if I would agree with his comic file review, but being cautious and cheap I waited for the full Black Widow: The Finely Woven Thread by Nathan Edmondson with art by Phil Noto in […]
Avengers World: A.I.M.PIRE (Comic Files)
Preamble I really came to love Nick Spencer’s run on Secret Avengers. I loved his A.I.M. vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. storyline and it felt like a big spy movie every month. But he abandoned me for Avengers World with Jonathan Hickman as co-writer and Stefano Caselli as artist. As I sat with pen in hand reading Avengers […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #7 (Comic Files)
Preamble Seriously, do you know how hard it was to not tell you that Deadpool was the big reveal in Secret Avengers #6?. Seriously I was pumped, but since the Tradd Moore and Matthew Wilson cover of Secret Avengers #7 lets the cat out of the bag, and is brilliant, I can now tell you […]
Red She-Hulk: Route 616 (Comic Files)
Preamble I have to admit there is something different about this one, Red She-Hulk: Route 616. First, it is written by Jeff Parker whom Agents Daniel and Ben enjoy over at the distinguished competition with Aquaman. Second, this volume mostly paints S.H.I.E.L.D. as somewhat the bad guys as they hunt the title character. And finally, […]
Indestructible Hulk: Humanity Bomb (Comic Files)
Preamble Life is tough for Bruce Banner. There is of course the whole smash thing, but his genius has always been overshadowed by others with more self-control like Tony Stark and Hank Pym. Okay, maybe self-control means not turning green! Mark Waid’s Indestructible Hulk: Humanity Bomb puts Bruce Banner under additional pressure as he […]
Avengers Assemble: The Forgeries of Jealousy (Comic Files)
Preamble What’s it like to be young, confidant, super-powered and in trouble in the Marvel 616? Kelly Sue DeConnick and Warren Ellis give us a glimpse to this world through the eyes of young Spider-Girl in Avengers Assemble: The Forgeries of Jealousy. Can Spider-Girl and the reader learn what it’s like to be a real […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #6 (Comic Files)
Preamble I love Secret Avengers and never have any constructive criticism to give it. Oh man, another cover I do not dig at all. Geez, I hope we get something in issue number 6 that gets my attention. Situation Report Lady Bulleye continues to be alive and has hijacked a Japanese bullet train. All […]