Preamble Well, Secret Wars, or perhaps sales figures, has led to an end of an era here at WelcomeToLevelSeven.Com. Secret Avengers Volume 2 #1 was the very first comic file we posted. The reason we have comic files is really because of that issue and the fact we realized we could track Agent Coulson in […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #14 (Comic Files)
Preamble Marvel has been warning us for awhile now that “Time Runs Out!” And apparently time has run out for Ales Kot and Michael Walsh as Secret Avengers volume 3 has officially been cancelled and scheduled to end before Secret Wars. Situation Report Snapper is bringing Tlön to Earth. And he is using the […]
Secret Avengers #13 Vol. 3 (Comic Files)
Preamble It appears true that Secret Avengers is winding down. I guess I can survive with Agent Coulson now in his own book. For now we just have to ask ourselves if the knight can save the maiden from the tiger…or can M.O.D.O.K. save Hill from Snapper (yeah that does not sound weird). Situation […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #12 (Comic Files)
Preamble I have been waiting for this moment, Agent Fury Jr. wakes up! We are twelve issues into what can only be called an epic. Schemes are revealed. Plans are made and we may be just 3 issues away from the conclusion to Ales Kot’s work on Secret Avengers with “And What Do You Believe?” […]
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Solider #4 (Comic Files)
Preamble Here we go! This is the issue of Bucky Barnes: The Winter Solider that I was looking for. Now I just need to find those pesky droids! I can now see in issue #4 what happens when the Unseen gets his job done! Situation Report Bucky and Ventolin are hitting it off. It’s […]
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #3 (Comic Files)
Preamble I read a preview stating that we would see 200 years into the future when Bucky Barnes’ job was done. So I had to pick up Bucky Barnes: The Winter Solder #3 because I wanted to see this time jump play out on the page. Too bad that is issue #4! Situation Report […]
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier #2 (Comic Files)
Preamble I have really been on the fence about following Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier by Ales Kot. First, Kot is writing this and Secret Avengers at the same time and I was really impressed by issue #1. I do like what he has been doing with M.O.D.O.K. in the agent filled title. Additionally, I […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #11 (Comic Files)
Preamble With Agent Coulson in his own comic I wondered what if any changes would be seen in Secret Avengers. Would Ales Kot and Michael Walsh be able to continue using good old AC every issue? And would we see Kot’s long story resolve as Coulson’s new monthly home was elsewhere and rumors of the […]
Iron Patriot: Unbreakable (Comic Files)
Preamble Sure Rhodey cannot get his own suit in Iron Man 3, but at least Marvel is giving him his own book! Iron Patriot: Unbreakable helmed by Ales Kot, who had written James Rhodes as part of the Secret Avengers, puts Iron Patriot through the physical and emotional ringer. And one has to ask is […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #10 (Comic Files)
Preamble Thanksgiving really threw me for a loop. Because of being off work on new comic book day I had to wait a week to get my copy of Secret Avengers #10. Typically that may not have been a problem but with a cover showing Hawkeye and Coulson in a standoff…well it was torture. […]