Preamble Secret Avengers has been doing what it does best, building complicated conspiracies! In Secret Avengers #8 “Tried to Run/Tried to Hide” Ales Kot and Michael Walsh begin to turn back the curtain to show us how things have unraveled to this point. And we might just be surprised what we find, cue the romance […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #7 (Comic Files)
Preamble Seriously, do you know how hard it was to not tell you that Deadpool was the big reveal in Secret Avengers #6?. Seriously I was pumped, but since the Tradd Moore and Matthew Wilson cover of Secret Avengers #7 lets the cat out of the bag, and is brilliant, I can now tell you […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #6 (Comic Files)
Preamble I love Secret Avengers and never have any constructive criticism to give it. Oh man, another cover I do not dig at all. Geez, I hope we get something in issue number 6 that gets my attention. Situation Report Lady Bulleye continues to be alive and has hijacked a Japanese bullet train. All […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 # 5 (Comic Files)
Preamble It’s been established I only want like 9 things. And along with the occasional cool drink, a warm blanket and Thanos as a big bad I want someone to get Agent Coulson right in the comics. And Secret Avengers #5 has everyone commenting on the fact that Coulson is not himself. Situation Report […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #4 (Comic Files)
Preamble It took Nick Spencer seven issues before he showed he misunderstood why I was buying Secret Avengers. Ales Kot did it in four! Sure, Hawkeye and Black Widow appear in this title, but there is only one Agent that leads me to buy this book monthly! Situation Report Agents Fury Jr. and Barton […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #3 (Comic Files)
Preamble As this new volume of Secret Avengers begins I will admit to being a little lost. It does not help that at times the team seems newly formed, even though Spider-Woman is really the only new member. I guess this is a good thing because it serves as a jumping on point for new […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #2 (Comic Files)
Preamble Okay, I am still not completely warmed up to Secret Avengers volume 3. But I am here to stay as long as this really is a S.H.I.E.L.D. book. Yes, I would love a book with the whole Bus Crew, but I will continue to see it as a win if Coulson is in print! […]
Secret Avengers Vol. 3 #1 (Comic Files)
Preamble I admit it, I am hesitant. With the beginning of Secret Avengers Volume 2 I was in the same boat. I was not familiar with Nick Spencer’s writing and the whole concept on the team but they had Agent Coulson to draw me in. But then by the middle of Spencer’s run I was […]
Secret Avengers #16 (Comic Files)
Preamble I am a simple man with simple tastes. All I want I really want is a great tie-in S.H.I.E.L.D. comic that features Coulson and the bus crew. I want stories to be suitably finished. And I want to make sense of the All-New Marvel NOW!. Seriously is the next issue of Secret Avengers #1 […]
Secret Avengers #15 (Comic Files)
Preamble We are in the back half of Nick Spencer and Ales Kot’s “How to MA.I.M. a Mockingbird.” And with the All-New Marvel NOW!’s shadow looming just two months away, it is time to start wrapping nearly a year of story up. But will it resolve in a way that has made a long-term investor […]