Preamble As Secret Avengers #14 begins, Taskmaster is dead! Our hero, my Deadpool stand-in, has served S.H.I.E.L.D. well, but alas he was one step behind the one who betrayed him. And one agent gets the answers to the question that has been bugging her, who am I? Situation Report Taskmaster is dead and the Scientist Supreme […]
Deadpool #22 (Comic Files)
Preamble I cannot hold it back anymore! I have to tell you! It was Coulson, the retracted name from Issue #21 was Agent Coulson! Coulson and Deadpool, it is Coulson and Deadpool! Have I died and gone to heaven? Seriously someone pinch me…OW, that was way too hard! Situation Report The story is […]
Secret Avengers #13 (Comic Files)
Preamble Issue #13 means Secret Avengers has had time to mature and become more refined. In a world filled with action story lines that relay entirely on violence, Secret Avengers gives us something we have to think about. And as the thinking heats up, well I am left wondering who will be left standing when […]
Secret Avengers #12 (Comic Files)
Preamble Congratulations Secret Avengers, you have reached a full year in giving us 12 issues of spy versus spy excitement. Issue #12 marks the end of the title’s first year and a new addition as Ales Kot joins Nick Spencer in writing the closest thing to a Marvel’s Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. tie-in book we have. […]
Secret Avengers #11 (Comic Files)
Preamble Secret Avengers #11 continues the “Infinity” interlude as Fury and Coulson face the fallout of the release of Terrigen Mist in New York. This issue written by Ed Brisson and illustrated by Luke Ross posses the question of what does it take to be a Secret Avenger. And one hero must decide if she […]
Secret Avengers #10 (Comic Files)
Preamble I was being cynical. I walked into my local comic shop, took my copy of Secret Avengers up to the counter and said, “Great, it’s an Infinity tie-in, I’m done with that!” The owner then proceeded to tell me how great the cross-over is and why I should be excited! Honestly, I did […]
Secret Avengers #8 (Comic Files)
Preamble I am going to say something that I have never said n my entire life. As I picked up Secret Avengers #8 “Cathedral” all I could think was I am really looking forward to this Mockingbird story. I have never in my entire life bought a comic because of Mockingbird’s role. I have honestly […]
Infinity #1 (Comic Files)
Preamble Infinity is here and like the last Marvel event Age of Ultron making its claim on a future MCU movie! Okay that may just be sarcasm creeping in. Infinity is a big story bringing together Earth bound and cosmic elements of the Marvel Universe. And with the inclusion of Thanos and the Builders combines […]
Secret Avengers #7 (Comic Files)
Preamble At the end of issue #6 faithful readers were promised answers in the saga of Secret Avengers. I was concerned that it may all be lies! Other than Coulson, okay and Barton, most S.H.I.E.L.D. agents seem truth allergic. Would Secret Avengers #7 just bring more deception? Situation Report Secret Avengers #7 takes place […]
Secret Avengers #6 (Comic Files)
Preamble Wait, something is up! Daisy Johnson is still being confirmed as S.H.I.E.L.D. Director! Nick Fury has not yet attempted his assassination on A.I.M. Island. And the Iron Patriot drone army is still causing trouble! That is right friends, issue Secret Avengers # 6 takes up back in time, back before S.H.I.E.L.D. caused an international […]