Preamble Winter Soldier: Bitter March #5 brings us to the end of our 1966 adventure. Rick Remender and Roland Boschi introduced us to a young and idealistic Ran Shen, a man who no longer holds this idealism. Now I think we can understand the villain Iron Nail and part of the path that got him […]
Original Sin #5 (Comic Files)
Preamble “You want the truth, you gotta go back. Back to 1958. And of all places…Kansas.” Yes Jason Aaron, you had me with the opening line of Original Sin #5. Please take me on a crazy fun trip! Situation Report In 1958 while working for Army Intelligence, Colonel Nick Fury helped stop the invasion […]
Captain America: Loose Nuke
Preamble Rick Remender’s run with Captain America has really paid off for me in the Marvel NOW!. So I was really anticipating Captain America: Loose Nuke with my biggest question being would Cap be impacted by his time in Dimension Z? I really want to know. And Remender does not wait long for us to […]
What If? Vol. 1 #14 (Comic Files)
Preamble Recently an Agent let us know here at the Hub that they had picked up What If? Volume 1 issue 14, “What If Sgt. Fury Had Fought World War Two in Space?”. There was instant jealousy. Agent Daniel loves space operas and in a former life was a World War II scholar. And this […]
Original Sin #4 (Comic Files)
Preamble It has been a really really hard two weeks waiting for Original Sin #4. Let us just say what happened at the end of the last issue will blow the mind of S.H.I.E.L.D. fans, though at the time I made a solid prediction of what is going to happen next, in my mind. And […]
Secret Warriors: Night (Comic Files)
Preamble Everybody has bad days. But the last six months for Nick Fury starting with Secret Warriors: The Last Ride of the Howling Commandos has been exceedingly rough. And sadly for good old Nick, Jonathan Hickman is not done ruining his days in Secret Warriors: Night. Situation Report Six months have passed since Howling […]
Original Sin #3 (Comic Files)
Preamble So a guy with an eye for a head has the eye! But what special properties does the eye have? And did the Orb kill the Watcher? And will we find out in Original Sin #3? Situation Report The Orb holds the eye and he uses it as a weapon against the heroes searching […]
Winter Soldier: Bitter March #4 (Comic Files)
Preamble Does Hydra on a train equate to snakes on a plane? As Rick Remender’s Winter Soldier: The Bitter March #4 opens with a bang, yes trust me a bang, the reader wonders if Agent Ran Shen will be able to save the girl though we can rest assured the world will be saved since […]
Secret Warriors: Last Ride of the Howling Commandos (Comic Files)
Preamble Secret Warriors: Wake the Beast left us with three massive questions. So when Secret Warriors: Last Ride of the Howling Commandos opens with H.A.M.M.E.R. attacking Asgard you can color me confused! What happened to our Hydra, Leviathan, Secret Warriors war friends? What is happening? At least the name Howling Commandos is floating around. That […]
Original Sin #2 (Comic Files)
Preamble Nick Fury continues his chase for the Watcher’s murderer, which started in Original Sin #1. And the clues are going to take him to some strange places. And as the cover screams we all wonder, who holds the eye? Situation Report Ant-Man, Black Panther and Emma Frost explore a monster graveyard in the […]